Program Partners
Masonry Restoration Program
Hands-on training in masonry and general construction
Upon completion of this program track, graduates obtain the following certifications:
30‐hour OSHA Occupational Safety + Health Training
NYC DOB Site Safety Training
NYC DOB 4‐hour Supported Scaffold User
NYC DOB 16‐hour Suspended Scaffold User
DOT Flaggers
Respirable Crystalline Silica Protection
Green Construction / Energy Efficiency Program
Hands-on training for green construction and energy efficiency careers
Upon completion of this program track, graduates obtain the following certifications:
30‐hour OSHA Occupational Safety + Health Training
NYC DOB Site Safety Training
NYC DOB 4‐hour Supported Scaffold User
NYC DOB 16‐hour Suspended Scaffold User
DOT Flaggers
Respirable Crystalline Silica Protection
EPA608 (refrigerants)
GPRO-M (Green Professional Mechanical)
Internal certification in Green Building Operations & Maintenance
English for Speakers of Other Languages program
Designed for incumbent workers in the field whose native language is not English and who want to increase their English language skills for a specific career.
Advancement Training
For graduates of the program who retain employment for at least three months.
Upon completion of two weekend-long advancement trainings, working graduates earn:
DOB 32-Hour Suspended Scaffolding 32-Hour Supervisor Certification
DOB 32-Hour Supported Scaffolding Installer/Remover
A first taste of job placement, helping to bridge the gap between training completion and full-time employment
Up to 200 hours of fully paid internship opportunities with local employers.
Offering hands-on experience in the field prior to entering the workforce full-time
Supporting employers with diversifying their workforce and giving them wage-subsidized interns to test out, allowing for intern to full-time hires long-term